Valeria Nicolosi

Global Expert -Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Developer of Revolutionary Energy Storage Devices, Professor, School of Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin, Professor in the School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin (TCD)

Leadership and Management | Scientist, Chemistry, Technology

Valeria Nicolosi


Prof. Valeria Nicolosi works at the leading edge of research and innovation on new types of energy storage devices. This ground-breaking work has come to the attention of the business world as the possibilities for this technology are both enormous and game changing. Valeria is Professor in the School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) where she holds the Chair of Nanomaterials and Advanced Microscopy. She is a Principal Investigator in the AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) Centre, which provides a partnership between leading researchers in material science and industry to develop new materials and devices for a range of sectors, particularly the ICT, medical devices and industrial technology sectors. She is also working in the CRANN (the Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices), which is one of the largest research institutions in TCD and Ireland’s leading nanoscience institute.