Houria Bellatif

Organizational Transformation | Leadership Development | Executive Coaching | Facilitation |Keynote Speaking, Shiftingly LLC

Leadership and Management | Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Productivity

Houria Bellatif


Houria after two decades in the corporate world, we uncovered her true calling: Guiding transformation and change. Her passion is to partner with individuals and organizations through defining moments that shape their futures. Her reach is global, impacting individuals, teams, and organizations. Her influence transcends mere credentials. She is empowered individuals and teams to communicate effectively, build resilience, embrace change, and make agile decisions. Her multicultural background, a wealth of experience, and unwavering curiosity converge to propel individuals and organizations toward lasting change. It's not just a tagline; it's my guiding principle: "Bring curiosity and be a hands-on partner" on your transformation journey.