Aldo Kane

World Record Setting Adventurer, Explorer, a Fellow at the Royal Geographic Society, Producer, Author & TV Presenter, Self Employed

Leadership and Management | Mental Health, Motivation, Leadership

Aldo Kane


Aldo Kane is a World Record Setting Adventurer, Explorer, a Fellow at the Royal Geographic Society, Producer, Author and TV Presenter with a penchant for the world's most dangerous, extreme and remote locations. A former Royal Marines Commando Sniper, Aldo is an expert in all environments, making him the go-to man for TV and Film companies around the world. Aldo has operated and filmed in well over 100 countries so when things get tough in TV land, it's Aldo they call.Over the last 7 years, Aldo has worked on well over 45 TV and Film productions, many of which were ground-breaking and fairly 'tasty', as he would have it. Aldo has been held at gunpoint, Charged by black Rhino, Abseiled into an active volcano, escaped Ebola, rowed across the Atlantic and dived on Captain Kidd's pirate ship, and that's just the last year or two.

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